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深层地热能是指深度大于3 000 m的地热能。我国深层地热能资源丰富,但是开采条件怎么样呢?本文基于地热地质学原理,结合岩石力学等相关学科的理论,提出一种对深层地热能开采条件进行评价的指标体系,对各单一指标采用专家打分的方法赋值,继而采用模糊数学定量计算和评估深层地热能资源开发的难易程度。该方法考虑了深层地热能开发利用中的增强地热系统(EGS)的环境安全问题,即传统的“刚性造储”可能带来的诱发地震等不利于地热能行业健康发展的因素,倡导“柔性造储”和广义EGS理念,强调储层属性和地物理场的整合,针对我国地热能分布与构造活动关系密切、地壳总体上活动性强、地应力高、地震频发等构造型地热特点,是对以往评价方法的补充和拓展。该方法充分利用了专家知识,发挥了模糊数学综合评估作用,给出的量化结果易于对比和使用,可以更好地支持决策。本文基于新的评估方法,利用现有的深部地热研究及勘探成果,评估了中国大陆地区九个区域深层地热能开发的难易程度,评价区包括西藏南北地堑系、云南西部火山型地热区、青海东部共和盆地以及东北、华北等。从本文的结果可以看出,我国深层地热能开采的地质条件复杂,开采难度较大。  相似文献   
为了解白洋淀表层沉积物中有机氯农药(OCPs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染情况,采用改进的GC-μECD方法对白洋淀11处沉积物进行了20种OCPs和全部209种PCB单体的定量检测和分析.结果显示:白洋淀11个沉积物样品共检出10种OCPs和24种PCBs,∑OCPs和∑PCBs的含量范围分别为1.22~52.45 ng/g(DW)和nd~37.61 ng/g,在国内处于中等水平; OCPs组成中以HCHs和Dieldrin(狄氏剂)为主,分别占到∑OCPs的39.9%和31.5%,其中7个采样点的HCHs以林丹输入为主,4个采样点以工业六六六污染为主.DDTs检出率较低,来源主要为历史残留;检出的PCB单体以低氯联苯为主,其中一氯、二氯和三氯联苯占∑PCBs的64.73%;采用沉积物质量标准法进行生态风险评估,结果表明白洋淀地区沉积物中p,p'-DDD和∑PCBs生态风险较低,Dieldrin生态风险尚需关注,γ-HCH生态风险较高,不容忽视.  相似文献   
给出了村镇滑移隔震建筑瞬时摩擦耗能的概念,并以此概念为响应指标。通过极差大小的对比,分析了该响应指标对刚度比、第二阶段刚度系数、隔震层屈服位移、隔震层摩擦系数、系统质量比和上部结构自振周期六个参数变化的敏感程度,阐述了上述系统参数对瞬时摩擦耗能这一响应指标的影响规律。研究表明:场地条件和地震动幅值大小对瞬时摩擦耗能均有显著影响;在所考虑的参数范围内,上部结构自振周期总是对瞬时摩擦耗能有较为显著的影响,摩擦系数对瞬时摩擦耗能的影响跟场地条件有关,Ⅰ类场地条件中摩擦系数对瞬时摩擦耗能影响不显著,而Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ类场地条件中,摩擦系数对瞬时摩擦耗能的影响则非常显著;隔震层屈服位移、刚度比和第二阶段刚度系数总得来讲对瞬时摩擦耗能影响不显著,质量比对瞬时摩擦耗能影响居中。  相似文献   
文章通过钦州湾现场调查资料,分别利用单因子污染指数法和富营养化指数法对湾内水质的污染状况和富营养化水平进行评价,并分析讨论不同的富营养化水平条件下浮游植物叶绿素a的响应。结果显示,钦州湾的污染状况和富营养化程度从湾顶至湾外呈现由重至轻的梯度变化,并出现两个“极端区域”:茅尾海化学需氧量(COD)和营养盐的污染指数劣于三类海水水质标准并重度富营养化;外湾污染指数符合一类海水水质标准并贫营养化。分析表明,茅尾海的重度富营养化是由河流输入、相对封闭的地形以及过度的牡蛎养殖造成,而外湾的贫营养化则主要归因于较少的水产养殖和陆源污水排放以及大量的浮游植物对磷酸盐的消耗。叶绿素a在这两个区域均呈现低值,茅尾海内主要是由于贝类滤食大粒径浮游植物和真光层深度下降引起,而外湾则是氮磷比(N/P)失衡,浮游植物生长受磷限制导致。另外,核电站温排水有可能是导致叶绿素a较高的原因。减少茅尾海内的养殖规模,种植红树林,集中污水于外湾排放,加强温排水口的水质监控是保证钦州湾海洋生态环境可持续发展的手段。  相似文献   

Liquefaction of loose saturated soil deposits is a hazardous type of ground failure occurring under earthquake excitations. Therefore, an accurate estimation of liquefaction potential is extremely important in geotechnical engineering. In the current study, a new model is proposed which estimates the level of strain energy needed for liquefaction initiation. A compiled database containing cyclic tests gathered from previously published works was used to develop new models to predict liquefaction potential. M5′ algorithm was used to find the best correlation between parameters. It was shown that not only the derived formulas are acceptably accurate but also they feature a very simple structure in comparison with available formulas in the literature. The proposed equations are accurate, physically sound and uncomplicated. Furthermore, safety factors were given for different levels of risk, which can be useful for engineering practice. In addition, the influence of different predictors on the liquefaction potential was evaluated and also the significance of input variables was assessed via sensitivity analysis. Finally, a new model was introduced for preliminary estimation of liquefaction potential.  相似文献   
以凡纳滨对虾(Litopnnaus vannamei)幼虾为实验动物,在其基础饲料中分别添加芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)胞外蛋白粗提物(1.0%,胞外蛋白组)、胞内多糖粗提物(1.0%,胞内多糖组),以基础饲料为对照组饲料,进行为期28d的养殖实验,探讨芽孢杆菌胞外蛋白和胞内多糖粗提物对幼虾生长、能量代谢及抗病能力的影响。研究表明,芽孢杆菌2种粗提物对凡纳滨对虾的生长和成活率影响不显著(P>0.05)。饲喂2种粗提物影响了凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺和肌肉中能量代谢相关酶活力。胞外蛋白组肝胰腺中磷酸果糖激酶(PFK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活力在养殖实验前期显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而肌肉中PFK、LDH活力显著低于对照组(P<0.05);胞内多糖组肝胰腺中己糖激酶(HK)活力及肌肉中PFK、LDH活力显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。饲喂2种粗提物均显著提高了凡纳滨对虾肌肉中琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活力和肝胰腺中电子传递系统(ETS)活力(P<0.05),胞外蛋白粗提物对肝胰腺中的SDH活力也有显著的提高作用(P<0.05)。饲喂2种粗提物显著降低了凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺及肌肉组织中脂肪酸合酶(FAS)含量(P<0.05)。此外,饲喂2种粗提物均会显著提高凡纳滨对虾肠道蛋白酶活力(P<0.05),而胞外蛋白粗提物使凡纳滨对虾肠道脂肪酶活力显著降低(P<0.05)。白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)感染后,与对照组相比,胞外蛋白组和胞内多糖组凡纳滨对虾半致死时间分别延长了26.19%和7.14%。根据以上结果推测,芽苞杆菌2种粗提物能够影响凡纳滨对虾能量代谢水平并提高其抗WSSV能力,且二者之间密切相关。  相似文献   
The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters of the water in Taladanda canal and associated water-borne diseases,from which the dwellers have suffered,were studied,by using statistical method. Overuse and the addition of the wastes with sources from urbane industrial sectors,as well as the decrease in water level have caused the canal water quality declined drastically and subsequently led to extensive eutrophication and bacterial contamination. According to the water sample analytical results,the water is lightly acidic with the pH value of 4.5~6.7. The measured indexes,such as total dissolved solid (TDS),electrical conductivity (EC),total suspended solid (TSS),Mn,Zn,Al,Fe,Cu,Cr,and Hg etc,mostly have very high concentrations which are higher than permissible limit,indicating that the canal water is completely unsuitable for human consumption. Furthermore,the biological analysis shows that the total coliform (TC) is in the range of 45.9~30.2 in per 100 mL water in April,30.5~25.3/100 mL in July and 52.9~35.4/100 mL in December,respectively. Similarly,fecal coliform (FC) ranges from 12.8 to 10.1,10.5~7.5 and 13.1~6.4 per 100 mL water in the months of April,July and December respectively. As a result,people who use the water have suffered from different water-borne diseases. On the basis of disease data derived from hospital observations in a period of three years,there had been 4 284 people affected by different water-borne diseases from 2016 to 2018.  相似文献   
An MW6.6 earthquake occurred in eastern Hokkaido, Japan on September 6th, 2018. Based on the pre-earthquake image from Google Earth and the post-earthquake image from high resolution (3 m) planet satellite, we manually interpret 9 293 coseismic landslides and select 7 influencing factors of seismic landslide, such as elevation, slope, slope direction, road distance, flow distance, peak ground acceleration (PGA) and lithology. Then, 9 293 landslide points are randomly divided into training samples and validation samples with a proportion of 7:3. In detail, the training sample has 6 505 landslide points and the validation sample has 2 788 landslide points. The hazard risk assessment of seismic landslide is conducted by using the information value method and the study area is further divided into five risk grades, including very low risk area, low risk area, moderate risk area high risk area and very high risk area. The results show that there are 7 576 landslides in high risk area and very high risk area, accounting for 81.52% of the total landslide number, and the landslide area is 22.93 km2, accounting for 74.35% of the total area. The hazard zoning is in high accordance with the actual situation. The evaluation results are tested by using the curve of cumulative percentage of hazardous area and cumulative percentage of landslides number. The results show that the success rate of the information value method is 78.50% and the prediction rate is 78.43%. The evaluation results are satisfactory, indicating that the hazard risk assessment results based on information value method may provide scientific reference for landslide hazard risk assessment as well as the disaster prevention and mitigation in the study area.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(2):314-338
The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) spans three terrain steps in China and features diverse topography that is characterized by significant differences in geological structure and present-day crustal deformation. Active faults and seismic activity are important geological factors for the planning and development of the YREB. In this paper, the spatial distribution and activity of 165 active faults that exist along the YREB have been compiled from previous findings, using both remote-sensing data and geological survey results. The crustal stability of seven particularly noteworthy typical active fault zones and their potential effects on the crustal stability of the urban agglomerations are analyzed. The main active fault zones in the western YREB, together with the neighboring regional active faults, make up an arc fault block region comprising primarily of Sichuan-Yunnan and a “Sichuan-Yunnan arc rotational-shear active tectonic system” strong deformation region that features rotation, shear and extensional deformation. The active faults in the central-eastern YREB, with seven NE-NNE and seven NW-NWW active faults (the “7-longitudinal, 7-horizontal” pattern), macroscopically make up a “chessboard tectonic system” medium-weak deformation region in the geomechanical tectonic system. They are also the main geological constraints for the crustal stability of the YREB.  相似文献   
中国北方干旱/半干旱区是全球主要的沙尘源区之一,风蚀造成的沙尘排放可导致大量的土壤有机质(SOM)与养分流失,并通过传输与沉降过程对其进行空间再分配,对空气质量、气候变化、植被生长及生物地球化学过程等具有重要影响。本文利用WRF/Chem(Weather Research Forecasting with Chemistry)v3.7.1大气化学传输模型,对1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、全氮(TN)与全磷(TP)的时空变化过程进行了精细化模拟,探究了中国北方风蚀引起的SOM、TN与TP养分流失的时空变化特征。结果表明:① 1980—2015年来平均每年约有66.59 Tg的沙尘颗粒排放至大气;② 沙尘排放具有较大的时空差异,沙尘排放源区主要集中在新疆东部、内蒙古西部的巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠等地区;③ 每年因沙尘排放引起的SOM、TN和TP流失量分别约为0.07 Tg、0.004 Tg和0.005 Tg;④ 1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、TN与TP的流失量具有较强的年际波动,未呈现显著的趋势性变化特征。本研究对于认知风蚀在碳循环与养分循环过程中的作用,以及对深入了解中国北方的土地退化机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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